Please complete this form if you are interested in applying for academic accommodations for your studies at Conestoga College, or if you would like to learn more about the process for applying.
Following receipt of your intake form, a confidential digital file will be started for you within the Accessible Learning department. Only staff within this department can view the content that you submit through this form or any medical documentation uploaded. During your intake appointment with Accessible Learning, you will be provided with in-depth information on the ways that we protect your privacy while supporting you. If you would like to learn more about our confidentiality policies before completing this intake form, please click here.
If you require any assistance with accessing or completing this form, please email or call (519) 748-5220 ext. 3232 for support.
Remote Learning
Please note - Students who are unable to come to campus for an extended period of time and are seeking an academic accommodation for courses that are only offered in-person/on-campus are encouraged to speak with us BEFORE SEEKING documentation.
These situations tend to have a fair amount of complexity, and when requested for a duration greater than two weeks, can generate additional barriers to academic success and participation. If you are already registered with Accessible Learning, please speak with your Accessibility Advisor. If you have not yet been assigned an advisor, please contact our intake team.